jjba (part 5 / risoghia) , bandori , vocaloid music , the hunger games , vintage glass , car seat headrest , RPDR , mlp (g3 & g4) , beastars , aggretsuko , bees , cookie run , hermitcraft* , IDV , project sekai , legend of zelda (totk) , graphic design , html coding , the cambrian period , family guy 

bolded = special interests

plain text = other stuff i like 

*i don’t talk about hermitcraft on main (i don’t want to attract dsmpers)

italics = hyperfixations

underline = posts about frequently



krill’s interests

i consume all my media critically !! i do not support the problematic actions of any of the creators ;; if you genuinely & frequently hate on any of the bolded ones please dni ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ

feel free to talk to me about any of these!!! just because i post less about them doesn’t mean that i like them any less :3 ask for friend IDs!!